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Reversing diabetes, resolving diabetes, defeating diabetes needs to be a priority.

Q. Why do some diabetic need sugar and others can’t have sugar?

A. Almost everything we eat gets converted to energy (sugar). Your brain needs the sugar to function properly.  People who do not have diabetes, can simply eat almost anything they want, at any time. Their properly functioning pancreas, healthy adult, will generate the required insulin to balance their body’s sugar requirements.

However, a person with diabetes has an ailing or failing pancreas that cannot produce the proper amount of insulin to balance their body’s sugar needs.  So, when a diabetic is out of balance (and this can be from hour to hour), something needs to be done.  Diabetics out of balance often become disoriented, unresponsive, confused and can pass-out as their brain is short of sugar or overloaded with sugar.  Being short (or low, hypoglycemic) they need an immediate dose of sugar, like fruit juice, candy, raisins or a reqular soft drink.  Being over (or high, hyperglycemic) they may need an immediate injection of external insulin to quickly counteract the extra sugar in their blood stream.  

Q. What is the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes?

A. Type 1 diabetic has a failed or dead pancreas that cannot produce insulin. The Type 1 is then dependent upon external forms of insulin. This may be from a pill or an injection. Type 1 is also called insulin dependent diabetes.

Type 2 diabetic has a failing, but still functioning pancreas that isn’t generating the proper amount of insulin required by the body. Type 2 is called insulin resistant diabetes.

Q. What is diabetic neuropathy?

A. Diabetic neuropathy is commonly occurring complication of diabetes. It can result in permanent nerve damage, from which there is no return.

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FAQ: Resolving diabetes, Glycemic Index, Types of Diabetes

Q.  What is a glycemic index?  

A.  A rating given to common foods that impacts insulin production of the pancreas.  The load assigned to each food is most important to Type 2 diabetics.

Q.  What is an A1c?  (Hemogobin A1c)

A.  A1c is a simple 90 day blood test that confirms how well you  are managing your diabetes.