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How I Resolved my Type2 Diabetes with a pancreas friendly food chart | Video Transcript | Better Snack Choices

I’m a type 2 diabetic but I resolved my diabetes with some called the glycemic index.  The glycemic index is just sugar chart.  So, I wrote a paper because there was one piece of information missing that I needed and I used that chart to resolve my type 2 diabetes. 
Here are the kinds of things I learned.  For snacks, these are almonds.  Almonds get a zero, that means I can eat as many almonds as I want with out putting any load on my pancreas.  Raisins, are high.  Raisins get a 12.  I like raisins but I don’t eat them any more.  But the most surprising snacks are pretzels. Pretzels get a 14, I stay away from pretzels.

I wrote a paper, 20 pages lone.   It has a great chart in the back.  Come take a look.

Notes:  The paper I wrote is titled How I Resolved my Type 2 Diabetes.  I cover the basics about type 2 diabetes and it's priced for everyone.

The glycemic index and the glycemic load are key pieces of information for keeping your A1c blood test in healthy adult status.
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